Monday, June 26, 2006

Ok then will tell

What's up with all the tiger pix?

Ok I knew the tigers have nothing to do with dyslexia but one of my friends parents own a wild life preserve. It is a non-profit organization and they take any animal that was a banded or taken form the wild and then the owner decided it no longer wanted the tiger. Any way so I have a really soft spot for animals I'm sorry I just do and I don't have pickes of me so I decided why not the tigers. I love these animals because unlike people they don't jug you that just love you and want to play with you and they never make you fell dumb. So that is why I have the pikchers of the tigers and cause they are one of the things in my life that make me forget may even just for a minuet that I am dyslexic.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I see!