Sunday, February 18, 2007


This weekend I went on a retret with my Chruch and lernd something, welll i lernd alot but ilernd somtthing about me adn dyslexia. My friend pionted out to me this weekend that I get defensful or have a strong opinyen when it comes to dyslexia. Alow me to explane.

Were are sisteing at a table talking me and kids form my Church and ten some kids from another Church. So Maria ,a girl from the other church, is saying how she dosent like realy smart poeple like Enstine and stuff. So i meanched well Enstine mad a learning discibilet. Nath from my church shimes in and says, he had dyslexia. Maria then asked waht is dyslexia. Ceep in mind she is from Rusai and has likve here only 6 years. So instinctively istart saying stuff andf ofcoures stunbling over woreds so on of my frineds sayis it's a read dsability and another says epople with it have slow minds thay dont learn as quick. This is were me geting defensfuley comes in. I looked at one and said it dosnet have to only do with reading it goes into so mean more espects of life. I looked at the other adn we kinda got in to like this 30 second dabet like he siad dysleics learn slower adn i said thay lern i n adiffrent way.

Mind you this was kinda riskey only couse onelty one person tyher knows iahve dyslexia, but like it's werd couse thay never mencen it to me. Wich is wat saprised me is cosue we were tlak and i was like it is heard for some people to be my friend. I have strong opinyens about somethings, nad thay said like dyslexia. That throught me off yeah.

For me ihave strong oppinyens when peole dont know what thay are tlaking about. PEople who dont ahve dyslexia realy dont understadn it. YOu cn have a degra in it but you still dont fully understadn it. People who dont ahve dyslexia wright bookes aobut how a dyselxiac child fells. I always tihnk how in the world would you know. Why if you have a dagrey do you think you understnad dyselxia. Why do poeple who know little are like oh yeah i know all abuotit. It jsut messes me up when people say it JUST a readeing dasibilitey, ther poeple atre SLOW. COsue it's not jsut a reading disabilety and i am not slow.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Leting Go

Verse 1
I walk through life seeing there faces
I see the pain in there eyes
I see how life is so messed up to them
And how they just want to want it to end

But hold on tight
Theirs something more to this life
Yeah I know the oain nad how bad it hearts
But hold on tight

Verse 2
One day she takes of the mask in front of me
Gives me a glimpse of the pain she’s going through
I know she wasn’t to give up
I know she wants to let go and let it all end

Verse 3
She’s tired of this life
She wants to let go but something always saves her
The grades upset her
And the things people say they heart her

Verse 4
Girl wants to give up
Takes her mask of in front of a friend
Shows here the pain that she goes through
Her friend says I still love you.
Grapes her by the shoulders and says I’m going to pray for you

Last line
God’s got a plane for her
Even dreams but it don’t seem that way to her
Yeah she’s read to let go
Just ready to let go

The songs called Leting Go. How mean times have you been there? I know i have been there alot and truthful I one ether talkto my friends aobut it or 2 i jsut go to bed and hope the stuff dont fallow in to the next day. But I was tihnk in the last vvers how asum would it be to be that friend the one who prays for you and you trust with take your mask of infront of. I asume would it be to be the friend people can trust. Why not be that friend why not? I guess this has been on my mind and these words have been in my head. I mean i knwo what is like to want to jsut let go and run form your life. I know what it is like boleve me i realy do. It stinks on ice like nothing els. But woudent it be grate to have a friend that siad hay I'll pray for you i got a some friends like that. THere the ones iam ver thankful for them. So i have a qusiton in the last vers why not try to be that friend i shere am going to try to.

Friday, February 02, 2007

When there's nowhere else to turn
All your bridges have been burned
Feels like you've hit rock bottom
Don't give up it's not the end
Open up your heart again
When you feel like no one Understands where you are
Someone loves you even when you don't think so don't you know you gotMe and Jesus by your side through the fight you will never be alone on your own you got me and Jesus
After all that we've been through
Be now you know i've doubted too
But everytime my head was in my
Hands you siad to me
Hold on to what we got
This is worth any cost so Make the most of life
That's borrowed Love like thers no tommarow.

I love tihs song and a grate reminder to me. I havent head the easest life in the world, but iknow it hasent been that bad. Just this weeke has been hard. To me some times seems like my friends arent there when i realy need them. THen ithink waht if thay walk out on me and say im sorry your jut to much for me to handle. I cant take it any more. I tihnk what ift hay step back ver the line. THe take one step back and say im sorry i cant any more. Buth then i here Jesus and it reminds me I's like ahy i love you and im friend you can always talk to i ant ever gana leve im leve you. Im not sorry i know sayin is inportent but ihave to go. I cna pour out my heart to mhim and he will lesen the holle time. He's also blessed me he's geven me grate frieds that love me for me and care about me.I am so thankful for thes people and you know who i am talking about. I want to thank you for beging the me in the song even when I dont think so you are. And thank you alot. THis jsut need be said i guees