Saturday, December 08, 2007


I ahve some jokes for you i tohught i would get funny you knwo it's fun sometimse.
So gues waht i walked by some one and thay spelled someihtng wright
that was funy wright
oh i got a grate one
ok i was lisinsg to a girl read and said it all wright
man i knwo yo;ter aobut dyeing with laghtrer
arrent thos funny?

Well if you have any sanity at all you wernt jsut laghing. Wich bring me to qusiotn if thos arnt funny thne why are dyslexia jokes? why is it so funynw ehn soe one is stgil with reading in class. Whyis it so funy when soem one says oemthing back words. Why is it halerous weh nsomeone does soemtihng wrong that is so simpl? Becosue they ahve dyslexia. Becouse you ahvent ben there ad you need a lagh in the day. Becoues dyslexia is funy. Well i woudl like to make an anounce ment it's not funy to a dyslexic. Ever tie i mess up i am easil remind of the pople who lagh at me and dont enve know aoubt my dyslexia. Waht woudl ahppend if they did.

I sat down for a Bible calss a couple Mondays ago. IT was atlest 15 mienst into the class. We ahd the 12 that day so we were in circal. Im geting distracted and i see a cow on the board im liek dude thats sweet cow. So i look at rthe little word buble and it's OOM im liek waait cows say moo not oom. And i look and wright next to that says dyslexic cow ha ha ha and then the students name who drew it. The name didnt suprize me to me she was just a nothe slandering peron. Of coure i len wisper to my fined who knows im dyslexic and say look at the bord. Most fo you mitght think my fried would laugh. She was not amused she turned bakc to me and gave me one of thos lokos like dont kill thme it woudnt be good.

I go to a privet school. Yet once a week i here some one make fun of specil ed, dyslexis, autisum, ADD, you name it i've herd a joke aobut it. I could name joke after joke. I rember ever single joke. Adn i've ditermned iths our jokes get meaner as we get older. When we were 4 yeraolds we mad jokes abut mud. Now that were older we make jokes aoubt bpole, Discrimanting jokes. WE lable pole and jokea obut thme becosue there under us. Beocue there banther us. I am no lower then my normal friend. Im not dumber, im not anytinhg less then thme. I am equil to thme. If you tihn kyou can tell em im banthe you cosue i have dyslexia. Perosnaly ii woudl give you to pieces of adviece one get soem help and two clear you're scedul for the next day cosue you can bet you will lyeing in hospital bed goind i need some hlep.

I am jsut like my frineds i jsut ahve a word that gits put on school aplicaiotns. I hjust have a word that tells poel i wont gt tihngs wright away. I am dysleix but guyss what i am not going to take junk for you beouce of it. If you try to bring me down for it i wil nock you down nad make sure you knwo waht it fells liek to be nocked down. I am jsut like you i tkawe test lika all my finreds my work is graded liekmthere s i curintly have no exeptions for stuff so gues what im liekyou. YOu amke fun of me you might ass well make fun of you;re self cosueim jsut lieky you.

Friday, November 23, 2007

THe qusiotn and the answer

What strategies help the most with reading, writing and spelling? What have teachers done in the past that have helped? what have teachers done in the past that have hurt?

They say ever question has an answer. I guess that means thes qusiotn have an answer. And i guess that is ware im sopos to be goign with all of tihs, but no im jsut jokeing there is no but ill answer the question. So here you go.

The funny thing about this qustion is that it's difacult for me or answer. I'm sure you;re thinking but hay this is jsut you telling us waht helps and dosnt. It not the dosnt part that hard to figure out is the what does. I think im jsut be getting some very liek say waht say waht go on wrigh tnow so let me explane. When I was Dignossed in 3rd grade i want to a small small small Cheisten school. THere was no specil ed teacher nothin. So the teachers idd what ever. As a resalt igot crazey theres. One teacher ahd me tkae my test by my self so i oculd sound it out as iwnt alon. Didnt hlep. $th grade teacher relay didt do anything speicl and my 5th and soem of 6th grade teacher had me jsut mach her words igot A's but i wasnt learning to spell. In 6th grade i moved and went to a still small but bigger Privet school. But ther is a LEarning assicents person. Inn 6th grade all i did was go down ther and tkae my seplling tests. 7th grade year my list was tkaen fomr the normal 20 to 12 wich heped me alot to be abe to have few words. THis year im pritty much not in ther learning assictent program at all. It;s almsot mid year and i havent bene down there once nor do i even knwo who the new learning assictent perons is. This is so not to say my teachers ahvent tried to help. My Bible teacher this year Actul agve me adiffrent Bible test. I politly asked ihm after i had gotten the test back to alow me to tkae a normal test like my classes meats beocuesi felt as if the test did not give my full nolig of the holle coures. SO in the end this year i have bben geting no help andi dont relay se ewaht hs helped in the past with spelling nothing has ever semed to click.

Reading and wrighting happen to go under the same catigory for me. Such it up and do it. Yep i said it. Why i say it? It's simiple it;s how it is. I have to read at the smae rate as my calsee amte si have no exeptions for that. I am reading the smae books as my clases mattes. And at the same passe. WE are curintly readign the Hobbi i am expected to read the same amount of pages in the same amount of time. Adn turn the assingment in on time. I dont think any of my teachers have reconignissed i have problums iwth it cosue i;ve always jsut done it. Although meany of the books i;ve ahd to read for school have ben thourng acroos a room from frustrastion. I ithnk that becosuei have never aloud my teachers to give me a reson to have it any diffrent with reading. To me it;s alwyas been i have to read this stupid book do it now or get a 0 so it;s always been jsut suck it up and do it. Wrighting is aoubt the same. My hand wirghting is increisbley poor and it tkaes a larg amount of evvert to make my hadn writign enve legible. EWven at the tie it jstu looks liek some 3rd grader did it. SO for that i have been asked to type up asingments that we dont do in class. For em wrting on the computer or viceiong my oopyen is never heard. I oculd wright meany novals with the intersting thoguhts I ahve writen down.

Harm is easy for teachers who dontknw waht threre doing to do. AS im enached i had maching liek half the word with the other half when iwas younger and it didnt help me to learn. I thin kthe worst thing teacher cna do is single me out. As a dyslexic i dont wnat to be labbeld that to al lmy frined besdei one, I am a normal teenager who jsut has horrid spelling and hand wrighting. I havent told thme that i have dyslexia. THe thing is i likeit that way. And i have it when teachers single me out. One thing i ahte is when teachers look at the wrord dyslexia nad staro type me saying she ahs this this this nad this problum. At the begggin of the school eyare al my teachers thoghu i had trouble wrighting. I think all of thme have grown to learnand gornw to hate how much i cna write. Soemthing that ahs alos been harmful si when teacher belittle me beocue of my dyslecei. I have a breain it jstu dsontliek to work wright sometiems soem wired didnt conect wright and I ahpend to get the dyselxia geen to not hid in me but be a dominet geen and show up. So It's not that im dumb or stupid it;s that i jstu dont do things as quick as you or me wourld like.

So that my asnwer to that qusiot wuit allanghthey one i guess. I never siad it woudnt be. Oh adn much thnks To Christy for sending me the quisont. I hope who ever reads this injoyed

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

ok so i havent ask in a long itme so i tohught i waould. I knwo dylsexia is ahrd thing to undersnt and ther are alot fo quiostn poel wh ar looking in fomr out of the dyslice worl have so iwould liek to gevie any one who hsa a qusiot aoubt to ask. I actul want to naswer ou;re wusiotns o it would be cool if you asked them. nad dont be scared to ask anything form liek whats the ahrdest thing al the way to waht couses it adn i will in my best ability try to answer any quisotns oask awya.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Not goign to use it as a cruch

Dyslexia why doe sit ahve to be such stupid sentive arie?
Why evertime it domcoems upa toughsend sirions goof ian ym ehad and i get defensiv? Cani jnot sjtub e calm ao ub tit? Can't i jsut chilen and be normal? Why doe sit ahv to beliekt his?

I guess with me mabey thie thing i hate so mcu haobut dyslexia is when oyu tlel some one ther a re some diffnret ways they cna reson ond adni dot thme i jsut dont. Iwant to be a nomrla kicked im not crible i dont need helo im fine. So stop mkaeing exseptions stop be litlteing me and stat seeing me as who i am a Chrsitne teen. THats all. Dont ever sa y im a dyslexic tee cosue you;le find you;re slef on the ground quick thne oy ever tough posible. It s sometihng that iwll be little me it;s not someithn im goignt ouse as a cruch say pore me. I'm ifne i got it i dont need you;re hlep. Ill aks if i need it but if idont ask dont even try. I've got pride and it;s big and it donst wnat oyu;re help. Yehaill strugl and i look ing at it funn ge tm kicck osmeithng come bkac in aocuilble minets and try agne, but dont act liek im fine comse im dyslexic im 14 i cna od it trust me. I odnt car eif i look lieka fool in the prioses i odt arfe if oyu tihnk im weard for trying it this way. I dont car ocus im doingit on my own. Yeha im dyslexic but im not criple. Yeha im dyslexic but i can do it. I'll learn with learning comes failer giv eme time ill do it. Yerah im pride full and idont wnat you to to bruse my pride ill aks for hlep when i need it but not a minet befor. So dont try im me im pride ful im teen im a Christen. THat al lyou ned to knwo who cared about dyslexia im not let it stop me.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

My former teacher and FRends JEniffer black taged me although i ncat spell er her name i understnd the game so here it goes

First, these are the rules:
1. Each player starts with eight random facts or habits about him or herself.
2. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
3. At the beginning of your blog, mention the person who tagged you. At the end of your post, choose eight people to tag, listing their names
.4. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

rendome ithngs hum
1 i alwyas were a baseball cap
2 i hate make up and anything girley
3 i wakebaord snowbard have surfed and sakte board im a board spot person
4 i play the acustice gutere realy bad though
5 when i was in elimentry school i did BMX
6 I play soccer it;s wiked fun i paly goaly
7 Wheni m oldunuf to drive i want a Ford F-350 super dute king size cap 8 foot bed
8 i alwyas have to be doind more thne one thing so when i sit in class i tap or ifim tlkaing to some one on im im lising to musice checking my sohutlife and wrightign a story.

ok i knwo like 3 pople on here couse my blog ant intersting so her you go Uh AKte AShly and Christey

Sunday, June 17, 2007

My enimey

I step in to a boxing ring now this will be the figt of my life. As i turn to the opit corn er tosee who iwil lface it turnes out to be me.

If i ithnik aoubt it my bigest enimy is me. And one part of me i have fought with is dyslxia. Some pople would think it's not big deal and it only last wall your in school. Well guesss what there dead werong. Dyslexia is something that dosn't jsut strugel thoguh in school it afects alot fo your life. It donst jsut go awya so if you ahve it when your 5 menas youll have it when your 55. In other words no medicen, no cure, no notihng.

You know how poeple concer Dyslexia? They so it with ditermintation, hard work, houres of studie, reserch, and lot ansad lots of time. Being dyslexiac isnt for the weak. If you cant stand hard work nad have dyslexia then it will esly over welm you. Being dyslexiac isn't for the lazziy couse yoll never learn anytihng. Being dylsexiac sint for thos who wont fight, vcsue your fighting youre self ever day. Dyslexia isnt for thos who tihnk life is fair, ocuse your fail test you studied hours for. Dyslexia isnt for thos who tihnk there perfect you'll quickly lern you aren't. Dyslexiac isnt fro thos wo wont straght A's cosue it;s almost imposible. dyslexia isnt for thos who aren't willing to try, couse you ahve tyo try hard. Dyslexia sint for thos who can't take faler, couse youll fail lots.

If your Dyslexic you cant cry ever time you odnt get an A on atest, ocsue youll cry ever night. If' oyu dylsexic you cnat not studie for a test adn expect to pass. If your Dlexic you cant studie for 5 minets and expect to pass the test. If your dyslexiac you cnat expect to get A's ever test. If you sdyslexiac you know life is hard. If your dyslexiac you knwo your diffrent If your dyslexiac you know what failer menas. If you dyslexiac you knwo what it's liek to have dreams crushed. If you dyslexic you know what it menat to studie for ever and stil lbe wored aboubt failing. If youre dslexic you knwo what confusing is. If your cyslexic you knwo what it;s kike when english looks like chines. If your dyslexiac then you know what stupid fells like. If your dyslexic you know what it;s like to hid tihngs.

If your Dyslexic you cna sicsed. If your dyslexic you cna mke a diffrenx. If your dyslexic youre not dumb. Ifyour dyslexic you not lazzie. If youre dyslexic you cna change some ones life. If your dyslexiac your smart. If your dyslexic you cool. If your dyslexic for get aoubt stary tips and start liven for the Lord who loves you how you are.

The worst tihng for some with dyslexia is to get a teacer who dosnt get it. THey think your lazzie, dumb stupied, or hoples. If your a teacher with a dylsexic studdent thay arent yther trying the best. If your ateacher with a dyslexiac studdent when they ask the same qusiton 3 times ther mopst likely not trying to be funny there tring to understnd. If you a teacher with a dyslexic studdent you ahve to understnd they lern in a diffrent wea thern your other students. If your a teacer with a dyslexic studdent you ahve to understnad when the dail a test it mostlikely and cosue they didnt studie it's cosue they didnt studdy the wright way. If your a teahcer with a dyslexic student you have to rember that to them if you give up on them it means they sohuld give up on there slef. YOu ahve an impact you cna change ther life for good or bad.

If your a parent with a dyslexic you cna make or brakck your kid. If youre a parent with a dyslexic child dont yelll at them when they dont gtet straght A's., ocuse there trying there best. If your a parent with adyslexic child odnt ever tell htm there stupid, couse ther enot. If your a partetn with a dyslexic child when the fbomb a test dont get mad ask thme why adn figure out how you can help. If your a parent with a dylsexic child make sure you tell thme your proud of them.

Sometink dyslexia is easy/ Others tihnk it;s unbarible. It sure inst easy but you cna concer it. Some days dyslexia fells liek it will consum to you. It shoudnt b taken littly. But for pitty sake dont bring it up ever time someitnhg goes wrong. If you have no tech a dyslexic ther a nomrmal kid ther goign to mess up but it;s not alwys couse oof dyslexia. And rember there a normal kid you cnat let dtyslexia deffin thm or you . You jsutcant. Couse if you do your life will get seriosly messecdd up.

Dyslexia is jsut that dyslexia im not goignt o be deiffinfd by dyslexia cosue that would be stuppiud. It wil lalwyas be there nad alwyas a part of me but im leting God diffin me not dyslexia. It's a pece of me so jsut forget and dont say im that dyslexic kid cosue im not. Im me the wakeboarding snowbaording gutar playing chileds perosn who hpapens to have disylsexia i never wnat to her my nad mand dyslexic together ever. IF you ahve dyslexia dont let it difin you

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Cers God and DIe

Cers God and die

Can we conprhand how mcuh fiath Job had. His with said that to him she said just coures God and die. My verson of jobs story is this Oneday SAtin discided he wanted to test Job. So he was like God come on i want test your servent he sees he;s for you lets see. God knowin whats going to happens says sure. SJob looses everthing he gets dises everthing you cna im agein . THe the bible chapter after chapter is his friends say what did you do and you shgould jsut coures God and die and him say no no. In the end he makse it throuh and then question God and say why did you but me through that? Of cousere s tihsd isnt in the bible but tlike this is how i see it God goes what hwat do you mean i put you though? Job your alive. I have this under control. I am so powerful i control storm after storm. Can you hooc a walland rell it in oh no thats me. Can tell the ;lighting wen to strick oh yeah thats God. CAn you set up plantes oh yeah thats God can you make a univers and fit it in your hand oh yeah thats God

Faith is intersitng beocsue in faith it;s not jsut one aspect we have to understnad we arent going to understnad evertihng aoubt God. He's so much bigg more powerful then un nasd were like nothin wre a spec of pust on the erth. Even smalller then that. AND yest we say God why you doin this i Do it. WE have yt obremer he control the storm the lighting the wind the univers he has i=our lifes under control and he knows what he's doing with them.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

My day

So i guess some one wnats to her aobut a day in my life oh boy your infor ia treat so grape the popcorn and the soda. GRape your plankey ,get a confy seat. Are you ready? Got evertihng you awnt? ok good hgere we go

A normall day (wich would be a school day) Startes with me geting up ast liek 6:30 in the mrning. I then prosice onedoor down to my sisters room to awka her form her laze sleep. As iprised down the steps the yiping of two dog's enter my ears. As a slug over ot the frige to grape to wolfs as ialways do my sister comes down the strs. THe is isos exiting wirght you dint know nould go one this long aoubt so muhc sutpid stuff did you. After i eat my precfist of two wolfes with penutebutter on them nad a yogert i go brushe my teath, hcange and brush my haur, useil wall liseing to some form aof Christen musice. When i finish with all that igo get the dogs put um out side and all that jess. WE go of fto svchool wich is 5 minets ways. Wall lisen to my MP3 i enter schoo land get to my looker after geting y bookes for my first class ( bible man i love that class), puting my hat awyas and turning y MP3 nd cell off i go to class with my friends. THe day goes the smae pritey much got to class ,get out of class walk with frineds to looker, get books wlakto next class with friends. If it;s monday that means spelling test and the end of the day. Wich emans i go down to the Specil Hleps room to tka e my 1 word tes. After comeing backnad answree the smae Qustion "Wheree were you?' with my normal andwere of "Some where" I sit through englsish afte school i hang with firned still after 3 some time when i leve cosue well my mom wokrs at school so yeah. Usil i jsut comehome geto n the computere, lisen to musice, tlk to friends and do homwork. On a nice day with litlte homeworrk i go on abike ride. On diffrnet days i have diffrnet tihngs, MArtl arts, desing teamfor youth group, youth group. Yeha so all of that last have dinner sme itme in the midle. and go te bed ose time after 9:30. SO that is a day in my shooes. Exiting wright? Jk. I knw relay dumb, but what eve

So is all your popcorn gone? What aobut your soda? Are you ready for a nap with blaney. S othats my life. Brittey boring and straght forwerd nothing out of the ordiner. Oh wait and useily well alwyas in the day i hget someone mad at me. So thats my life. AND i dont fell liek spelli cheacking this sorry

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


I dont hare cany tihng to tlka aoubt so im thorughing this out if an yone has any qusitons, commants or someithng thay wnat to know go ahead and ask ocuse io got nothin so her is my despret pleed.

Sunday, February 18, 2007


This weekend I went on a retret with my Chruch and lernd something, welll i lernd alot but ilernd somtthing about me adn dyslexia. My friend pionted out to me this weekend that I get defensful or have a strong opinyen when it comes to dyslexia. Alow me to explane.

Were are sisteing at a table talking me and kids form my Church and ten some kids from another Church. So Maria ,a girl from the other church, is saying how she dosent like realy smart poeple like Enstine and stuff. So i meanched well Enstine mad a learning discibilet. Nath from my church shimes in and says, he had dyslexia. Maria then asked waht is dyslexia. Ceep in mind she is from Rusai and has likve here only 6 years. So instinctively istart saying stuff andf ofcoures stunbling over woreds so on of my frineds sayis it's a read dsability and another says epople with it have slow minds thay dont learn as quick. This is were me geting defensfuley comes in. I looked at one and said it dosnet have to only do with reading it goes into so mean more espects of life. I looked at the other adn we kinda got in to like this 30 second dabet like he siad dysleics learn slower adn i said thay lern i n adiffrent way.

Mind you this was kinda riskey only couse onelty one person tyher knows iahve dyslexia, but like it's werd couse thay never mencen it to me. Wich is wat saprised me is cosue we were tlak and i was like it is heard for some people to be my friend. I have strong opinyens about somethings, nad thay said like dyslexia. That throught me off yeah.

For me ihave strong oppinyens when peole dont know what thay are tlaking about. PEople who dont ahve dyslexia realy dont understadn it. YOu cn have a degra in it but you still dont fully understadn it. People who dont ahve dyslexia wright bookes aobut how a dyselxiac child fells. I always tihnk how in the world would you know. Why if you have a dagrey do you think you understnad dyselxia. Why do poeple who know little are like oh yeah i know all abuotit. It jsut messes me up when people say it JUST a readeing dasibilitey, ther poeple atre SLOW. COsue it's not jsut a reading disabilety and i am not slow.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Leting Go

Verse 1
I walk through life seeing there faces
I see the pain in there eyes
I see how life is so messed up to them
And how they just want to want it to end

But hold on tight
Theirs something more to this life
Yeah I know the oain nad how bad it hearts
But hold on tight

Verse 2
One day she takes of the mask in front of me
Gives me a glimpse of the pain she’s going through
I know she wasn’t to give up
I know she wants to let go and let it all end

Verse 3
She’s tired of this life
She wants to let go but something always saves her
The grades upset her
And the things people say they heart her

Verse 4
Girl wants to give up
Takes her mask of in front of a friend
Shows here the pain that she goes through
Her friend says I still love you.
Grapes her by the shoulders and says I’m going to pray for you

Last line
God’s got a plane for her
Even dreams but it don’t seem that way to her
Yeah she’s read to let go
Just ready to let go

The songs called Leting Go. How mean times have you been there? I know i have been there alot and truthful I one ether talkto my friends aobut it or 2 i jsut go to bed and hope the stuff dont fallow in to the next day. But I was tihnk in the last vvers how asum would it be to be that friend the one who prays for you and you trust with take your mask of infront of. I asume would it be to be the friend people can trust. Why not be that friend why not? I guess this has been on my mind and these words have been in my head. I mean i knwo what is like to want to jsut let go and run form your life. I know what it is like boleve me i realy do. It stinks on ice like nothing els. But woudent it be grate to have a friend that siad hay I'll pray for you i got a some friends like that. THere the ones iam ver thankful for them. So i have a qusiton in the last vers why not try to be that friend i shere am going to try to.

Friday, February 02, 2007

When there's nowhere else to turn
All your bridges have been burned
Feels like you've hit rock bottom
Don't give up it's not the end
Open up your heart again
When you feel like no one Understands where you are
Someone loves you even when you don't think so don't you know you gotMe and Jesus by your side through the fight you will never be alone on your own you got me and Jesus
After all that we've been through
Be now you know i've doubted too
But everytime my head was in my
Hands you siad to me
Hold on to what we got
This is worth any cost so Make the most of life
That's borrowed Love like thers no tommarow.

I love tihs song and a grate reminder to me. I havent head the easest life in the world, but iknow it hasent been that bad. Just this weeke has been hard. To me some times seems like my friends arent there when i realy need them. THen ithink waht if thay walk out on me and say im sorry your jut to much for me to handle. I cant take it any more. I tihnk what ift hay step back ver the line. THe take one step back and say im sorry i cant any more. Buth then i here Jesus and it reminds me I's like ahy i love you and im friend you can always talk to i ant ever gana leve im leve you. Im not sorry i know sayin is inportent but ihave to go. I cna pour out my heart to mhim and he will lesen the holle time. He's also blessed me he's geven me grate frieds that love me for me and care about me.I am so thankful for thes people and you know who i am talking about. I want to thank you for beging the me in the song even when I dont think so you are. And thank you alot. THis jsut need be said i guees

Friday, January 19, 2007

Just Dyslexia

Ha i was thinkg like 2 minuets ago and i was talking to a friend and I always have randomethings ruining through my head and i thought JUST dyslexia. those are to veer dangers words when you put them together. I say i JUST have dyslexia, but when you think about it is it a JUST? Is it JUST misking up letters. JUST having troupe reading. JUST having trouble in math. Or is it so much more.

People take dyslexia and belittle it. Thay say it is JUST. Thay think t isn't that pig of a deal. Thay think stick i kid with dyslexia in a class room they'll be fine. Don't wore it's JUST dyslexia. I mean people don't talk about it much and there isn't any medication it is no big deal people live with it everyday. I mean famous actors and actresses live with it why is it such a big deal?

Oh yeah those people are so wright. You knew it isn't like it's annoying to stumble over easy words. It's not like i have ever thought about quiting school. It's not like I Have ever JUST wanted to give up. It's JUST troupe with school. It's JUST knowing you cant preform easy tasks. it's JUST have tons of problems in school. it's JUST dyslexia.

Why does the world want me to think it's JUST when I study hard and get bad grades. Why does the word think of JUST dyslexia? Why do thay think i can JUST deal? maby thay JUST don't get it.

It's JUST Dyslexia.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

My back round

I jsut relised i have gone through 56 post with out welling you about my backround. SO i guess i will tell you about it.

Ok so scens as long as i have been in school i have never been good at it. In kindergarden i can rember stayting after with the teacher to do work. At this peiont i didn't knew i had dyslexia. Nether did my parents or teachers. IN the summer betwen Kindergarden and 1st grade i had a tuter for reading. In 1st grade by the end of the year i was asked to be held back. FOr dailing more thwen one coures All of iths was made wores by me going to a privet school wich was very smalll and had no specil Ed help. Wich meas no one even saspectide i had Dyslexai. The hact was made evne wors buy how my school was in to lituter adn we had to read 4 books a year. THat may not seem like alot byt to a Kid with dlsexia it is a ton of frustration and alot of reading. Oh and sens my school loved reading so much thay didn think that was unufe books for us to reafd so we had to doo a reading thing. WE would have books on a list to read and depending on the leght of the book it would be woth serton pionts. Have dyslexai classicle knew as rading disorde made all oh f this so mcu heasry...........I wish. I t mead it all harder. I cna sitll rember countles times of read geting word id dn't knew siting there for fowever long. And finly spelling the word to my mom, and haveing havein my LITTLE sister easly figure out what the word is. I can rember get frustrated adn not being abley to walk away from the book cosue i kneew due the next day. None of that gelped at all. It hasn't help with be a Christan becosue of cosrs the Bible Has huge woreds. So back ontraeack.

Notihng got better my multiblecatin tables istill mess up. I leanr d that in 2nd grade. In second grade at lesti wasn't held back. In 3rd grade over Christmas break i was tested for dyslexia and my parents told me i had it. It was a relf but then gean it wans't. Agen small privet school that loves liture and teacher who some didn't have a teacheing dagre let alone a specil ed adujucation. Mean diffrent things were tried. And still failer fouund me bad grade and a D in spelling for 4th grade were anying OH and one tihng i hated so much was the shart on the wall you knew the ones that siald how well you were doing. Yeah i was never doing bettrer then anyo one els. ijsut hated those becosue thay always made me fell stupid.

In 5th grade it was better my teacher new better ways to help me with spelling and i sometimes even got A's but it still was frustrating becsoue i knew that i coudn't take test like ever one els and get the grade i want. She gave me a spelling test in wich i wouldl mach half the word with the other half. It was halenging at times especil sense it was out prtest dan she did not want us to studie for it. But i realinjopyd that techer and was luckunfe to have her For half 6th grade.

I moveied midew year adn wnet to a school were thay went so shere about it but did have a specil helps romm. Were the teachr was willing to lern I take only 12 woreds insted of the
normal 20.

Ever sense i was dignosed with Dyslexia ever one has jsut cept it as a problum with spelling but it can be so mch more and is. I mix up number s cant rember multiplication ables and have problums with math and reading. I take normal test with normal students. But the test i cant the smae way. Like i can read the qustion and no the ansere but some times i jsut dont understadn the qustion. THis school year hasn't been the best becouse i am geting fed up with help, and becosueof my math teacher. When ever i ask a qustion she makes me fell dumb. Im not shere if she looks down on me becosue of dyslexia. But she just anys me

So that is my back round jsut thoufght you all should knew

Saturday, January 06, 2007


You know one thing i hate about dyslexia is the word dyslexia. I bet some of you are just like what in the world. Just cep Reading and let me explain.

Ok just roll with me for a second. I have a friend who's cousin has ADD. Which means for those of you who don't knew she has trouble with paying attention. Not just like a little allot. That is just the quick definition. So back to the story. So ever time my friend talk about her cousin she goes my cousin the one with ADD. And it bugs me to death because she replaces her cousin name with a disability.

I haven't told her i have dyslexia and that is one of the things that is relay stooping me. I never want to be you knew my friend with dyslexia. Yes dyslexia is a part of me . But it doesn't define me it is not my name it is not who i fully am. Of cours it is a part of my but is not ME. Yeah i think about it allot and yeah it can be noticeable but i don't ever want to be you knew as my friend with dyslexia did the funnest thing today.

There is a reason for me not liking to have dyslexia diffing me. It's because when that word is put with me sisited automatically looks down on me and says"Oh well you are not striving for the same things as us" "Thall be happy if thay get all C's or thay don't mind if thay nave this job." Society excepts me to go in to a cure that requires no weighting and little thinking. Thay think i will be ok with strata C's and not think i want the same as ever one els. I want strata A's. But i am use to not getting what i want This is what i say school is served to some people on a gold platter. Which means thay are naturally smart. For me it is on a rusted out corroded platter that no one wants. Wouldn't it just tick sisided of if I decided i would take that and make it a butful one. Say I'm not smart in school but different things. Suicide doesn't see me thay see dyslexia.

THay think i will setl well i wont. I'll work for that goal and prove to them Dyslexia cant define me. So dyslexia want be me just Peace of me.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Comment modiration, MAkeing fun of

Comant modiration. I'm sorry to all of you who use it but i hate it. Another thing dyslexia afects. Cosue ofcours i mix up leters and ther igo agen it took me lik 4 times jsut to be able to fine get it wright. I mena jsut another tihng with dyslexia.

With dyslexia i swich leters around like b and p adn stuff or when typing i knew what i am going to say it's jsut i swich leters to diffrent spots in the word. Hay thats not fun. A couple of times people have goten on me about spelling things wrong and one time so one was like "i'm going to coreect you ever time you spell some things wrong" Adn i jsut siald " doon't it wount help." Of ocures the person didn't get it but i did. I have to have things fix maltple times over 10 times. Like onley 2 of my friends gets this and so as lng as thay can read it thay dont care but othere poeple don't. They 1 dont knew i have dyslexia and 2 i spell easey woreds rong like i use to knew how to spell the wored here as in like hereing and stuff but i cinda forgot. People jsut dont understadn that it isn't my chouce alot of the stuff. Like spelling i try my best but for some poeple it isn't good unufe. It's not my choace to have troouple in math and bad hnd wrighting. But it is me. I've learnd that it take sme foever to lern some things and i knew what it is like to fail. That is me and who God made me. For a resomn and perpose.

To me it isn't faitr to be made fun of things you dont control but the onley person i wont stadn up for is my self. Wichi s stupid but you cna mess with me all you want but the second you start to mess with my freidns you might as well jump of a bridge. I wont ever punch any one jsut becose thay make fun of mye but when oyu make fun o my friends you crossed the line. I wont ever hert some one for something thay did to me but i wont garenty i wont if you do something to my friends. Especiley if you make fun of them for some thing thay dont have control over.

I dont think it is fair at all for people with mentle disabliteys to be made fun of for that mental disabilitey. I donthave a chose thay dont have a chose so why even go there. It is like you being weak to go there. So why even do it im shere thay no there wekenses cosue i knew i knew mine but thay dont ned you to piont them out. It is jsut wrong.

Hum well yeah this is a realy all over haven no piont post intersting. Yeah not being able to focuse not un . So yeah jsut rember you are not onley makeing fun of that person but God to couse God made them in his image. For me Dyslexia and all. Hard unf to boleve it is true