Tuesday, September 11, 2007

ok so i havent ask in a long itme so i tohught i waould. I knwo dylsexia is ahrd thing to undersnt and ther are alot fo quiostn poel wh ar looking in fomr out of the dyslice worl have so iwould liek to gevie any one who hsa a qusiot aoubt to ask. I actul want to naswer ou;re wusiotns o it would be cool if you asked them. nad dont be scared to ask anything form liek whats the ahrdest thing al the way to waht couses it adn i will in my best ability try to answer any quisotns oask awya.

1 comment:

Christy said...

I haven't been on much, but over the holiday I have had more time for blogging. So, my question is: What strategies help the most with reading, writing and spelling? What have teachers done in the past that have helped? what have teachers done in the past that have hurt?
Love and Light,