Thursday, June 22, 2006

Ok some things I have learned

There are some things I have learned because of dyslexia. One is that everything in life will not be given to you on a silver platter. Two with dyslesxia some times it don't matter if you studded from the time you got home till dinner for spelling test. You still might get an F that one I hate especial when your friend who barley studded got an A. Three that with dyslexia I usual learn a t a slower pace which can be annoying actual it is. Four I have to look to other thing then school to have fun or a good day like wakebording or snowboard. I love those sports. And five who you are is not always excepted by everyone. I just though those would be good to share with you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know what you said at the end..... "who you are is not always who you are expected to be" or something like that, kinda.... well nevermind.....but I liked the post,and if you ever need someone to talk to, I am here. I am here to envourage you, pray for you, (wheter you like it or not, I do!!)0and be your freind!! You rock, and I am always here for you!!