Thursday, September 07, 2006

Help some one

I have like a challenge. But I will give it to you at the end of the post. As school starts I noticed some thing.

Ok let me ask you this how mean times have you see some one who needs help and disn't stop to help them. When have you looked at some one with atone of books and waked wright by them. Or some one spilled there stuff in the hallway and you just kept waeking. Why didn't you stop? I've done it before just kept waeking. But you knew when your weaking down the hall was don't you here you should have stopped. At school they want us to be world changers but how are we sops to chang the world when we cant even stop and help some one. If you want to make a difference stop help and see what happens some times it can chang the world if you help one persona have you see the commercial one guy helps some one then another and another and another till it comes full circle. Tomorrow you could waek by some one who needs help.

So here is my challenge when you see some one who needs help stop and help them just see what happens. That's my challenge.


Jesusfreak said...

I have seen that too, and it bugs me! But, I mean I have done it too, but HELP UM! Good post!

Jesusfreak said...


chocogirl39 said...

i know how that is, i've even been the one with books on the floor sometimes, (because i'm part klutz)
and it's frustrating. I'll help someone this week.

The Unknown said...

THanks for taking the chaling

chocogirl39 said...

u r welcome.

Jesusfreak said...

I take the challange too!

The Unknown said...

cool thanks

Jesusfreak said...

welcome! Anytime!

Jesusfreak said...

Hey.... do you need something to talk about? Cause you have not updated! Let me know if you do!! Luv ya!

The Unknown said...

yes i do thank you can you plez help

chocogirl39 said...

talk about school... about what you've been doing...type a favorite song...

Jesusfreak said...

talk about like what is going on in your life, like sutff about school, and what God has been doing in your life. Stuff like that!