Tuesday, July 25, 2006

You know I'm a really shy person. I don't knew I get scared when people are around. I'm not good at like stepping up. Sometimes I just wish I could stay at home. I truly don't like big crowds I just like when it is me and a couple of friends. A lot of the time I just fell like I am being left out and it cinday hearts. Where I usto to live I knew everyone and I felt like I fit in. But right knew I don't knew. I guess I will just have to step up and be less shy. I will try.


Anonymous said...

Well, let me know when you feel left out, cause you make it so I cannot tell, so I never know when you are feeling that way!! So, can you do that?? 4 me?????? PLEASE!!??

The Unknown said...

Well I alwas do that nomater what. I alwas will i never like to show fellingds or imation

Anonymous said...

Okay, well you CAN tell me if you want to! I do no care!!