Thursday, August 24, 2006

Ok well one of my friends said I should tack about what dyslexia effects in my life. The truth be told I don't knew what it dose. See seen I have dyslexia I don't knew what is "normal". So I will take the other topic what I do to forget about it. SO um yeah. I guess I really never forget. But there are thing that make me take my mind off of it. Well I like sports and that help I wakebord and snowboard. I also really like music I love to lessen to it and I play the guitar. I'm not that good but I like to play in my room. I like to Wright. I like wrighting cause when I Wright I control what's happening and what is going to happen. I have control and I can escape from the world I live in, to a world I have made. So yeah I guess that is what I do when I want to take my mind off of dyslexia.


Anonymous said...


The Unknown said...

one word i sey you are exbanding your vocabulary

chocogirl39 said...

it hink it's cool that you write. and play guitar, and wakeboard. I have never wakeboarded, but it looks scary. i can see why it makes you think about other what your doing. that's cool.