Monday, August 28, 2006

Ok O told you I really long time ago that I didn't like it when people felt bad for me. Or what ever you want to call it. So well guess I will explain why. Well I don't like it when people fell bad for me becouse makes me fell weak. See this is just my there But I feal like when people fell bad for me that expect less of me, and when people do that then there is nothing for me to prove them wrong about. My parents aren't like oh your grades don't matter you wont make good ones any way. They chanleng me to make good grades. And when I do my parents are really proud of me. Wich I like. But I don't want people to think I am incapable of some thing like any thing and I don't want people to tret me like I'm five. So yea that's why I don't went pitey.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Ok well one of my friends said I should tack about what dyslexia effects in my life. The truth be told I don't knew what it dose. See seen I have dyslexia I don't knew what is "normal". So I will take the other topic what I do to forget about it. SO um yeah. I guess I really never forget. But there are thing that make me take my mind off of it. Well I like sports and that help I wakebord and snowboard. I also really like music I love to lessen to it and I play the guitar. I'm not that good but I like to play in my room. I like to Wright. I like wrighting cause when I Wright I control what's happening and what is going to happen. I have control and I can escape from the world I live in, to a world I have made. So yeah I guess that is what I do when I want to take my mind off of dyslexia.

Monday, August 21, 2006

School starts in two weeks and it totally stinks on ice. School is the worst. You could say I hate it. I think that if I did better in school I would like it more it is just so hard and theirs spelling and it's boring and theirs spelling and there are test and spelling and teachers and spelling and relay hard work and spelling and you get graded and did I mench there is spelling. So yeah I think you get a hate spelling and think school is dumb. I would rather stay at home and play guitar all day. I don't like school at all man it is so dumb gerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I don't want to go back. Dumb school dumb books, dumb test, dumb stress. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. So yeah I am not exited to go back in the least sense. Sorry I really Ned to vent and my friends have been bugging me to update.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

I shut you out maybe even heart you a couple of times. I never tell you if so things wrong or even if I'm mad. I shut the door when it comes to my felling and lock it wright behind me. I don't want you to see the true me. I sit and listen but when the questions are turned on me I shy away. I pretend I didn't hear you and chang the subjetct. See I don't want you to see the felling inside of me. I'd rather tell you my secret then tell you my felling. I'd rather tell you how to build some thing then tell you my felling. When it comes to that subject it's behind closed doors. I want you to bush to have me tell you couse it takes a really trust for me to tell you what I fell. So push shove what ever it takes. I just want you to show me I can trust you. That's who I am so welcome to my life.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Never giving titles

He never knew how his words hart me. Never even knew even when he was jokin'. He never even how his words tour me down. How killed me inside. I never even knew he was joking. But knew it's all over and there are miles between me and him. Some times I miss him some times I wish I was with him. When I saw him last not a joke was cracked. All we wasnted to do was kech up. A couple of days I see him agen will kech up like the the old friends we are. WE just a couple of old friends trying to keep in touch. Hope tomorrow will come just see him agen. Oh he'll never knew how I miss him. Just to old friends. A sad day in first grade. A teacher moved us around. Little did she knew putting use next to each other would make friends for life friends for ever. Were to old friends.
Ok don't ask I'm just think about a friend of mine how I really miss him and cant wait to see him I don't even knew if this is a song or a poem or just some thing I wrought well yeah any way.