Friday, January 19, 2007

Just Dyslexia

Ha i was thinkg like 2 minuets ago and i was talking to a friend and I always have randomethings ruining through my head and i thought JUST dyslexia. those are to veer dangers words when you put them together. I say i JUST have dyslexia, but when you think about it is it a JUST? Is it JUST misking up letters. JUST having troupe reading. JUST having trouble in math. Or is it so much more.

People take dyslexia and belittle it. Thay say it is JUST. Thay think t isn't that pig of a deal. Thay think stick i kid with dyslexia in a class room they'll be fine. Don't wore it's JUST dyslexia. I mean people don't talk about it much and there isn't any medication it is no big deal people live with it everyday. I mean famous actors and actresses live with it why is it such a big deal?

Oh yeah those people are so wright. You knew it isn't like it's annoying to stumble over easy words. It's not like i have ever thought about quiting school. It's not like I Have ever JUST wanted to give up. It's JUST troupe with school. It's JUST knowing you cant preform easy tasks. it's JUST have tons of problems in school. it's JUST dyslexia.

Why does the world want me to think it's JUST when I study hard and get bad grades. Why does the word think of JUST dyslexia? Why do thay think i can JUST deal? maby thay JUST don't get it.

It's JUST Dyslexia.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

My back round

I jsut relised i have gone through 56 post with out welling you about my backround. SO i guess i will tell you about it.

Ok so scens as long as i have been in school i have never been good at it. In kindergarden i can rember stayting after with the teacher to do work. At this peiont i didn't knew i had dyslexia. Nether did my parents or teachers. IN the summer betwen Kindergarden and 1st grade i had a tuter for reading. In 1st grade by the end of the year i was asked to be held back. FOr dailing more thwen one coures All of iths was made wores by me going to a privet school wich was very smalll and had no specil Ed help. Wich meas no one even saspectide i had Dyslexai. The hact was made evne wors buy how my school was in to lituter adn we had to read 4 books a year. THat may not seem like alot byt to a Kid with dlsexia it is a ton of frustration and alot of reading. Oh and sens my school loved reading so much thay didn think that was unufe books for us to reafd so we had to doo a reading thing. WE would have books on a list to read and depending on the leght of the book it would be woth serton pionts. Have dyslexai classicle knew as rading disorde made all oh f this so mcu heasry...........I wish. I t mead it all harder. I cna sitll rember countles times of read geting word id dn't knew siting there for fowever long. And finly spelling the word to my mom, and haveing havein my LITTLE sister easly figure out what the word is. I can rember get frustrated adn not being abley to walk away from the book cosue i kneew due the next day. None of that gelped at all. It hasn't help with be a Christan becosue of cosrs the Bible Has huge woreds. So back ontraeack.

Notihng got better my multiblecatin tables istill mess up. I leanr d that in 2nd grade. In second grade at lesti wasn't held back. In 3rd grade over Christmas break i was tested for dyslexia and my parents told me i had it. It was a relf but then gean it wans't. Agen small privet school that loves liture and teacher who some didn't have a teacheing dagre let alone a specil ed adujucation. Mean diffrent things were tried. And still failer fouund me bad grade and a D in spelling for 4th grade were anying OH and one tihng i hated so much was the shart on the wall you knew the ones that siald how well you were doing. Yeah i was never doing bettrer then anyo one els. ijsut hated those becosue thay always made me fell stupid.

In 5th grade it was better my teacher new better ways to help me with spelling and i sometimes even got A's but it still was frustrating becsoue i knew that i coudn't take test like ever one els and get the grade i want. She gave me a spelling test in wich i wouldl mach half the word with the other half. It was halenging at times especil sense it was out prtest dan she did not want us to studie for it. But i realinjopyd that techer and was luckunfe to have her For half 6th grade.

I moveied midew year adn wnet to a school were thay went so shere about it but did have a specil helps romm. Were the teachr was willing to lern I take only 12 woreds insted of the
normal 20.

Ever sense i was dignosed with Dyslexia ever one has jsut cept it as a problum with spelling but it can be so mch more and is. I mix up number s cant rember multiplication ables and have problums with math and reading. I take normal test with normal students. But the test i cant the smae way. Like i can read the qustion and no the ansere but some times i jsut dont understadn the qustion. THis school year hasn't been the best becouse i am geting fed up with help, and becosueof my math teacher. When ever i ask a qustion she makes me fell dumb. Im not shere if she looks down on me becosue of dyslexia. But she just anys me

So that is my back round jsut thoufght you all should knew

Saturday, January 06, 2007


You know one thing i hate about dyslexia is the word dyslexia. I bet some of you are just like what in the world. Just cep Reading and let me explain.

Ok just roll with me for a second. I have a friend who's cousin has ADD. Which means for those of you who don't knew she has trouble with paying attention. Not just like a little allot. That is just the quick definition. So back to the story. So ever time my friend talk about her cousin she goes my cousin the one with ADD. And it bugs me to death because she replaces her cousin name with a disability.

I haven't told her i have dyslexia and that is one of the things that is relay stooping me. I never want to be you knew my friend with dyslexia. Yes dyslexia is a part of me . But it doesn't define me it is not my name it is not who i fully am. Of cours it is a part of my but is not ME. Yeah i think about it allot and yeah it can be noticeable but i don't ever want to be you knew as my friend with dyslexia did the funnest thing today.

There is a reason for me not liking to have dyslexia diffing me. It's because when that word is put with me sisited automatically looks down on me and says"Oh well you are not striving for the same things as us" "Thall be happy if thay get all C's or thay don't mind if thay nave this job." Society excepts me to go in to a cure that requires no weighting and little thinking. Thay think i will be ok with strata C's and not think i want the same as ever one els. I want strata A's. But i am use to not getting what i want This is what i say school is served to some people on a gold platter. Which means thay are naturally smart. For me it is on a rusted out corroded platter that no one wants. Wouldn't it just tick sisided of if I decided i would take that and make it a butful one. Say I'm not smart in school but different things. Suicide doesn't see me thay see dyslexia.

THay think i will setl well i wont. I'll work for that goal and prove to them Dyslexia cant define me. So dyslexia want be me just Peace of me.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Comment modiration, MAkeing fun of

Comant modiration. I'm sorry to all of you who use it but i hate it. Another thing dyslexia afects. Cosue ofcours i mix up leters and ther igo agen it took me lik 4 times jsut to be able to fine get it wright. I mena jsut another tihng with dyslexia.

With dyslexia i swich leters around like b and p adn stuff or when typing i knew what i am going to say it's jsut i swich leters to diffrent spots in the word. Hay thats not fun. A couple of times people have goten on me about spelling things wrong and one time so one was like "i'm going to coreect you ever time you spell some things wrong" Adn i jsut siald " doon't it wount help." Of ocures the person didn't get it but i did. I have to have things fix maltple times over 10 times. Like onley 2 of my friends gets this and so as lng as thay can read it thay dont care but othere poeple don't. They 1 dont knew i have dyslexia and 2 i spell easey woreds rong like i use to knew how to spell the wored here as in like hereing and stuff but i cinda forgot. People jsut dont understadn that it isn't my chouce alot of the stuff. Like spelling i try my best but for some poeple it isn't good unufe. It's not my choace to have troouple in math and bad hnd wrighting. But it is me. I've learnd that it take sme foever to lern some things and i knew what it is like to fail. That is me and who God made me. For a resomn and perpose.

To me it isn't faitr to be made fun of things you dont control but the onley person i wont stadn up for is my self. Wichi s stupid but you cna mess with me all you want but the second you start to mess with my freidns you might as well jump of a bridge. I wont ever punch any one jsut becose thay make fun of mye but when oyu make fun o my friends you crossed the line. I wont ever hert some one for something thay did to me but i wont garenty i wont if you do something to my friends. Especiley if you make fun of them for some thing thay dont have control over.

I dont think it is fair at all for people with mentle disabliteys to be made fun of for that mental disabilitey. I donthave a chose thay dont have a chose so why even go there. It is like you being weak to go there. So why even do it im shere thay no there wekenses cosue i knew i knew mine but thay dont ned you to piont them out. It is jsut wrong.

Hum well yeah this is a realy all over haven no piont post intersting. Yeah not being able to focuse not un . So yeah jsut rember you are not onley makeing fun of that person but God to couse God made them in his image. For me Dyslexia and all. Hard unf to boleve it is true