Friday, November 23, 2007

THe qusiotn and the answer

What strategies help the most with reading, writing and spelling? What have teachers done in the past that have helped? what have teachers done in the past that have hurt?

They say ever question has an answer. I guess that means thes qusiotn have an answer. And i guess that is ware im sopos to be goign with all of tihs, but no im jsut jokeing there is no but ill answer the question. So here you go.

The funny thing about this qustion is that it's difacult for me or answer. I'm sure you;re thinking but hay this is jsut you telling us waht helps and dosnt. It not the dosnt part that hard to figure out is the what does. I think im jsut be getting some very liek say waht say waht go on wrigh tnow so let me explane. When I was Dignossed in 3rd grade i want to a small small small Cheisten school. THere was no specil ed teacher nothin. So the teachers idd what ever. As a resalt igot crazey theres. One teacher ahd me tkae my test by my self so i oculd sound it out as iwnt alon. Didnt hlep. $th grade teacher relay didt do anything speicl and my 5th and soem of 6th grade teacher had me jsut mach her words igot A's but i wasnt learning to spell. In 6th grade i moved and went to a still small but bigger Privet school. But ther is a LEarning assicents person. Inn 6th grade all i did was go down ther and tkae my seplling tests. 7th grade year my list was tkaen fomr the normal 20 to 12 wich heped me alot to be abe to have few words. THis year im pritty much not in ther learning assictent program at all. It;s almsot mid year and i havent bene down there once nor do i even knwo who the new learning assictent perons is. This is so not to say my teachers ahvent tried to help. My Bible teacher this year Actul agve me adiffrent Bible test. I politly asked ihm after i had gotten the test back to alow me to tkae a normal test like my classes meats beocuesi felt as if the test did not give my full nolig of the holle coures. SO in the end this year i have bben geting no help andi dont relay se ewaht hs helped in the past with spelling nothing has ever semed to click.

Reading and wrighting happen to go under the same catigory for me. Such it up and do it. Yep i said it. Why i say it? It's simiple it;s how it is. I have to read at the smae rate as my calsee amte si have no exeptions for that. I am reading the smae books as my clases mattes. And at the same passe. WE are curintly readign the Hobbi i am expected to read the same amount of pages in the same amount of time. Adn turn the assingment in on time. I dont think any of my teachers have reconignissed i have problums iwth it cosue i;ve always jsut done it. Although meany of the books i;ve ahd to read for school have ben thourng acroos a room from frustrastion. I ithnk that becosuei have never aloud my teachers to give me a reson to have it any diffrent with reading. To me it;s alwyas been i have to read this stupid book do it now or get a 0 so it;s always been jsut suck it up and do it. Wrighting is aoubt the same. My hand wirghting is increisbley poor and it tkaes a larg amount of evvert to make my hadn writign enve legible. EWven at the tie it jstu looks liek some 3rd grader did it. SO for that i have been asked to type up asingments that we dont do in class. For em wrting on the computer or viceiong my oopyen is never heard. I oculd wright meany novals with the intersting thoguhts I ahve writen down.

Harm is easy for teachers who dontknw waht threre doing to do. AS im enached i had maching liek half the word with the other half when iwas younger and it didnt help me to learn. I thin kthe worst thing teacher cna do is single me out. As a dyslexic i dont wnat to be labbeld that to al lmy frined besdei one, I am a normal teenager who jsut has horrid spelling and hand wrighting. I havent told thme that i have dyslexia. THe thing is i likeit that way. And i have it when teachers single me out. One thing i ahte is when teachers look at the wrord dyslexia nad staro type me saying she ahs this this this nad this problum. At the begggin of the school eyare al my teachers thoghu i had trouble wrighting. I think all of thme have grown to learnand gornw to hate how much i cna write. Soemthing that ahs alos been harmful si when teacher belittle me beocue of my dyslecei. I have a breain it jstu dsontliek to work wright sometiems soem wired didnt conect wright and I ahpend to get the dyselxia geen to not hid in me but be a dominet geen and show up. So It's not that im dumb or stupid it;s that i jstu dont do things as quick as you or me wourld like.

So that my asnwer to that qusiot wuit allanghthey one i guess. I never siad it woudnt be. Oh adn much thnks To Christy for sending me the quisont. I hope who ever reads this injoyed